Hello! I have over 7 years of experience creating digital content in the tech industry.

I'm a creative communicator who helps people share their ideas through motion design. I enjoy working in many styles and I'm happy to refine my work with client feedback until everyone is satisfied.

Motion Designer in Austin

Contact me


(510) 593-1114

About me

Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, I graduated college with degrees in Literature and Film Production at beautiful UC Santa Cruz.

Now I live in Austin, TX with my wife and a handsome puppy who could almost pass for a fox.

If you want to work with me or just meet another motion designer, let’s get in touch!


    • You need a generalist who can do 2D, 3D, and is capable of doing many different styles.

    • You’re looking for someone who is low-ego and takes feedback well.

    • You like working with people who are organized, timely, and always label their layers.

  • Meeting my old rescue dog’s long-lost puppies and petting a red fox are definitely up there.

    I love animals so it would be great to find a job doing motion graphics for an animal rescue or wildlife rehab.