Bluware Logo

3D Logo Animation

Bluware is a company that makes solutions for storing, visualizing, and interpreting seismic data. I was brought in by a fellow motion designer who felt that someone who specialized more in 3D would be a better fit once the client started moving in a 3D direction.

Here's my final draft. Since Bluware's products are so strongly associated with seismic data, they wanted an animation that showed how they were a data-focused company. Seismic data has a very specific look to it that sets it apart from how most other data gets visualized.

I was given this reference of what seismic data typically looks like and asked if I could develop some animated logos based on it. The data has undulations kind of like what a topographical map depicts, but represented in 3D space. I stuck with the transparency but chose a more flattering color palette.

This is the old version of the logo they wanted replaced. Since their company is all about working with seismic data, they wanted the data that shows up here to look less generic and more like seismic data charts.

This was the last draft the previous motion designer delivered before bringing me on. Bluware liked the concept of the data coming together into the logo, but felt the look of the data needed refinement and a more complicated 3D camera move.

I was pretty fond of using the logo to matte the layers of data but they felt it seemed too much like a surf-themed logo and didn’t have the kind of camera movement they were looking for. They wanted to see a 3D camera moving through the data.

Note: The write-on effect where it reveals the word Bluware was done by the previous motion designer and I re-used that animation throughout all these drafts.

For the next version, the client requested to see the full sheets of seismic data. This was on the right track, but they felt the logo was too disconnected from the data sheets in the end.

With this version I tried melting the data away as the logo appears during a second camera movement. They still wanted to establish a stronger connection between the data and the logo.

This version was pretty close to the final draft. After sleeping on the problem, I realized that we could make the seismic data sheets out of the B shaped logo and then have them all meld together to build the final vector logo at the end. The client was happy that the data felt connected to their logo and just asked for a little more polish on the timing and a version with a flare for the final draft.


Product Visualization: Shrek Ketchup


"How to Build a Wall"